Sunday, November 1, 2009


And of course Halloween candy. My girls spent all morning sorting theirs. First by type, then by color. Sigh. We are trying a new strategy this year. Eat what you want for a week, then it goes away. I don’t know if James and I will last. But I have been worrying about Audrey, her will, and her eating – she simply did not eat dinner twice in one week because there was nothing she wanted. And she is allowed to have yogurt or something she can fix if she just tastes what’s been served. But she’s been eating candy all day.

Anorexic or diabetic?

Meanwhile, the (at least in the evening) cooler weather has made me crave hearty soups, which for me must include bacon I guess, cuz I’ve got two very different soups but they both feature beans and bacon: BLACK BEAN SOUP WITH BACON and CORN, TOMATO & LIMA BEAN STEW. I think Audrey ate the bacon out of one of these and rejected the other.

Even though it is fall, we still have some warm weather, so our farmer’s markets have a few summer vegetables still features, thus GREEN BEANS AND POTATOES WITH PESTO. And as Trader Joe’s had gorgeous basil plants for $2.99, and I hadn’t really put any by for the winter, I tried out formula for GREENER PESTO. I did try out a new fall vegetable, in CELERIAC AND POTATO PUREE.

And finally, some dessert. Which Audrey loved. My friend Cisca gave us pears and apples from her mom’s neighbor’s orchard so I made a RUSTIC PEAR AND APPLE TART. And I accidentally bought a whole bunch of oats, so I made PECAN OATMEAL COOKIES. I have a sweet tooth, too.

p.s. Well, Audrey does like to prove me wrong. Tonight for dinner, we had baked sweet potatoes, BRUSSELS SPROUTS WITH BACON, GRILLED ASPARAGUS, and a lovely organic grilled chicken. Morgan would only eat the sprouts and sweet potatoes, and Audrey, despite the bacon and the sweetness - would only eat the chicken and her asparagus, plus Morgan's and half of mine. There is a message here, but I'm not yet sure what it is.

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